

Die wichtigsten Publikationen:

Behrangi N, Heinig L, Frintrop L, Santrau E, Kurth J, Krause B, Atanasova D, Clarner T, Fragoulis A, Joksch M, Rudolf H, Meuth SG, Joost S, Kipp M. Siponimod ameliorates metabolic oligodendrocyte injury via the sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 5. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.2022 Oct 4;119(40):e2204509119

Kirschenbaum D, Imbach LL, Ulrich S, Rushing EJ, Keller E, Reimann RR, Frauenknecht KBM, Lichtblau M, Witt M, Hummel T, Steiger P, Aguzzi A, Frontzek K. Inflammatory olfactory neuropathy in two patients with COVID-19. The Lancet. 2020 Jul 18;396(10245):166

Gasterich N, Bohn A, Sesterhenn A, Nebelo F, Fein L, Kaddatz H, Nyamoya S, Kant S, Kipp M, Weiskirchen R, Zendedel A, Beyer C, Clarner T. Lipocalin 2 attenuates oligodendrocyte loss and immune cell infiltration in mouse models for multiple sclerosis. Glia. 2022 Nov;70(11):2188-2206

Joost S, Schweiger F, Pfeiffer F, Ertl C, Keiler J, Frank M, Kipp M. Cuprizone Intoxication Results in Myelin Vacuole Formation. Front Cell Neurosci. 2022 Feb 18;16:709596

Vankriekelsvenne E, Chrzanowski U, Manzhula K, Greiner T, Wree A, Hawlitschka A, Llovera G, Zhan J, Joost S, Schmitz C, Ponsaerts P, Amor S, Nutma E, Kipp M, Kaddatz H. Transmembrane protein 119 is neither a specific nor a reliable marker for microglia. Glia. 2022 Jun;70(6):1170-1190

Kaddatz H, Joost S, Nedelcu J, Chrzanowski U, Schmitz C, Gingele S, Gudi V, Stangel M, Zhan J, Santrau E, Greiner T, Frenz J, Müller-Hilke B, Müller M, Amor S, van der Valk P, Kipp M. Cuprizone-induced demyelination triggers a CD8-pronounced T cell recruitment. Glia. 2021 Apr;69(4):925-942. doi: 10.1002/glia.23937

Rüger M, Kipp E, Schubert N, Schröder N, Pufe T, Stope MB, Kipp M, Blume C, Tauber SC, Brandenburg LO. The formyl peptide receptor agonist Ac2-26 alleviates neuroinflammation in a mouse model of pneumococcal meningitis. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Oct 29;17(1):325

Keiler J, Schulze M, Claassen H, Wree A. Human Femoral Vein Diameter and Topography of Valves and Tributaries: A Post Mortem Analysis. Clin Anat. 2018 Oct;31(7):1065-1076. doi: 10.1002/ca.23224

Antipova V, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A, Wree A. Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injected Intrastriatally into Hemiparkinsonian Rats Improves the Initiation Time for Left and Right Forelimbs in Both Forehand and Backhand Directions. Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Feb 25;20(4):992

Alberts T, Antipova V, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A, Schmitt O, Kurth J, Stenzel J, Lindner T, Krause BJ, Wree A, Witt M. Olfactory Bulb D2/D3 Receptor Availability after Intrastriatal Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection in a Unilateral 6-OHDA Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease. Toxins (Basel). 2022 Jan 25;14(2):94

Frintrop L, Wiesehöfer C, Stoskus A, Hilken G, Dubicanac M, von Ostau NE, Rode S, Elgeti J, Dankert JT, Wennemuth G. cAMP and the Fibrous Sheath Protein CABYR (Ca2+-Binding Tyrosine-Phosphorylation-Regulated Protein) Is Required for 4D Sperm Movement. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 13;23(18):10607

Frintrop L, Trinh S, Seitz J, Kipp M. The Role of Glial Cells in Regulating Feeding Behavior: Potential Relevance to Anorexia Nervosa. J Clin Med. 2021 Dec 30;11(1):186


Publikationen im Januar 2025

Johann Krüger, Newshan Behrangi, David Schliep, Leo Heinig, Elise Vankriekelsvenne, Nicole Wigger and Markus Kipp. Siponimod supports remyelination in the non-supportive environment. Scientific reports. Impact factor 3.8 (gewichtet: 3,8/1,2=3,17)

Zimmermann A, Priebe J, Rupprecht H, Lang S, Haberland F, Schuster K, Staffeld A, Berger C, Zhu H, Dück A, Kölch M, Frintrop L. Changes in Circadian Rhythm in Chronically-Starved Mice Are Associated with Glial Cell Density Reduction in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus. International Journal of Eating Disorders. Impact Factor: 4,7 (gewichtet: 1,6)


Publikationen im Februar 2025

Kerstin Lebahn, Jonas Keiler, Wolfram Schmidt, Julia Schubert, Maria Reumann, Andreas Wree, Niels Grabow, Sabine Kischkel. Mechanical characterization of the human femoral vein wall and its valves. Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. Impact factor 3.3 (gewichtet: xxx)

Guido Schröder, Estelle Akl, Justus Hillebrand, Andreas Götz, Thomas Mittlmeier, Steffi S. I. Falk, Laura Hiepe, Julian Ramin Andresen, Reimer Andresen, Dirk Flachsmeyer-Blank, Hans-Christof Schober, Änne Glass. Evaluation of Cancellous Bone Density from C3 to L5 in 11 Body Donors: CT Versus Micro-CT Measurements. Journal of Clinical Medicine. Impact factor 3.0


Publikationen im Januar 2024
How to Use the Cuprizone Model to Study De- and Remyelination. Kipp M; Int J Mol Sci. 2023; IF 5,6
(gewichtet 1,75)

Publikationen im Februar 2024

- keine -

Publikationen im März 2024

- keine -

Publikationen im April 2024

Steinhagen I, Brinker U, Kolbe V, Bingert R, Keiler J, Klussmann-Fricke B-J, Sokiranski R, Pirsig W,
Begerock A-M. The role of radiology in provenance research - experiences from the collaboration
between radiology and anatomy at the University of Rostock and future perspectives. Fortschritte
auf dem Gebiet der Röntgenstrahlen und bildgebenden Verfahren 2024; IF 1,8, Gewichteter Impact:

Modeling and simulation for prediction of multiple sclerosis progression. Vishnu Prathapan, Peter
Eipert, Nicole Wigger, Markus Kipp, Revathi Appali, Oliver Schmitt. Computers in Biology and
Medicine. IF: 7.7. Gewichteter Impact: 1.83.

Starvation in Mice Induces Liver Damage Associated With Autophagy. Schuster K, Staffeld A,
Zimmermann A, Böge N, Lang S, Kuhla A, Frintrop L. Nutrients. IF: 5.9. Gewichteter Impact: 1.3.

Publikationen im Mai 2024

Siwetz M, Widni-Pajank H, Hammer N, Bruneder S, Wree A, Antipova V. Course and Relation of the
Facial Vessels - An Anatomical Study. Medicina (Kaunas). 2024 May 13;60(5):805. doi:
10.3390/medicina60050805. PMID: 38792988 IF 2,6

Publikationen im Juni 2024

Jan-Oliver Sass, Michael Saemann, Maeruan Kebbach, Ehsan Soodmand, Andreas Wree, Rainer Bader, Daniel
Kluess. Morphology of the femur influences the fracture risk during stumbling
and fall on the hip – A computational biomechanical study; Life; IF 3,2

S Anne-Marie Neumann, Maeruan Kebbach, Rainer Bader, Guido Hildebrandt, Andreas Wree.
Evaluation of 3D footprint morphology of knee-related muscle attachments based on CT data
reconstruction – A feasibility study; Life; IF 3,2

Publikationen im Juli 2024

Antipova, V. A.; Heimes, D. ; Seidel, K. ; Schulz, J. C. ; Schmitt, O. ; Holzmann, C. ; Rolfs, A. ; Bidmon,
H.-J.; De san Roman, E. G. ; Huesgen, P. ; Amunts, K. ; Keiler, J. ; Hammer, N. ; Witt, M. ; Wree, A
Differently increased volumes of multiple brain areas in Npc1 mutant mice following various drug
treatments. Frontiers in Neuroanatomy (I.F. 2,1)

Veronica Antipova, Martin Siwetz, Maren Engelhard, Franz A. Fellner, Simone Manhal, Julian F.
Niedermair, Benjamin Ondruschka, Sandra M. Pietras, Amélie J. Poilliot, Michael L. Pretterklieber,
Andreas Wree, Niels Hammer. A comparison of 1- versus 3-month regional anatomy exposure on
learning outcomes of undergraduate medical students. Clinical Anatomy (I.F. 2,4)

Felix Ferner, Nele Hammersdorfer, Jessica Hembus, Jan‐Oliver Saß, Rainer Bader, Annett Klinder,
Laura Hiepe, Norman Holl, Christoph Lutter. Hinge screw or no hinge stabilization provides
decreased stability compared to hinge plate in a biomedical evaluation of distal femoral derotational
osteotomies. KSSA. May 204. DOI: 10.1002/ksa.12251

Guido Schroder, Thomas Mittlmeier, Patrick Gahr, Sahra Ulusoy, Laura Hiepe, Marko Schulze,
Andreas Götz, Reimer Andresen, Hans-Christof Schober. Regional Variations in the Intra- and
Intervertebral Trabecular Microarchitecture of the Osteoporotic Axial Skeleton with Reference to
the Direction of Puncture. Diagnostics. February 2024 14, 498.

Guido Schroder, Andreas Götz, Josephine Kruse, Laura Hiepe, Julian Ramin Andresen, Reimer
Andresen, Hans-Christof Schober. Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis in an 83-year-old female
body donor with osteoporosis – protection or risk for the occurrence of insufficiency of the spine?
Thieme online. 2023 Oct. ISSN 1019-1291

Publikationen im August 2024

Antipova V, Siwetz M, Engelhardt M, Fellner FA, Manhal S, Niedermair JF, Ondruschka B, Poilliot AJ,
Wree A, Hammer N. Knowledge retention of undergraduate medical students in regional anatomy
following a one-month gross anatomy course setting. Educ sci. (IF = 2,5)

Quantitative and qualitative assessment of airborne microorganisms during gross anatomical class
and the bacterial and fungal load on formalin‑embalmed corpses Jonas Keiler, Antje Bast, Jessy
Reimer, Markus Kipp, Philipp Warnke. Scientific reports (IF 3.8)

Markus Kipp und Hannes Kaddatz. Pathogenese, Pathologie und Behandlung der Multiplen
Sklerose, Team Journal Gewichteter Impact: 0,25

Markus Kipp und Lukas Wenzel. Zellen des Nervensystems; Team Journal Gewichteter Impact: 0,25

Publikationen im September 2024

Kipp M. From GPT-3.5 to GPT-4.o: A Leap in AI’s Medical Exam Performance. Information (IF = 2.4)

Begerock AM, Kipp M, Hiepe L. Präparate und ihre Geschichten-Einblicke in die Rostocker Anatomie.
Verlag wissenschaftliche Scripten

Publikationen im Oktober 2024

Runge J, Kischkel S, Keiler J, Grabow N, Schmitz KP, Siewert S, Wree A, Guthoff RF, Stahnke T.
Experimental glaucoma microstent implantation in two animal models and human donor eyes-an ex
vivo micro-computed tomography-based evaluation of applicability. Quant Imaging Med Surg. 2024

Publikationen im November 2024

Schlag R, Sailer M, Tolks D, Ninaus M, Sailer M. Effectiveness of gamification in education. In:
Gegenfurtner A, Kollar I, Herausgeber. Designing Effective Digital Learning Environments. London:
Routledge; 2024.

Publikationen im Dezember 2024

Johannes Deutloff, Irina Pöhner, Johann Rößler, Markus Kipp, Simone C. Tauber and Lars-Ove
Brandenburg. The Formyl Peptid Receptor Ligand Ac2-26 Improves the Integrity of the Blood-Brain
Barrier in the Course of Pneumococcal Meningitis. Cells, IF 5.1 (gewichtet 1,27)

Nicole Wigger, Johann Krüger, Elise Vankriekelsvenne and Markus Kipp. Titration of Cuprizone
induces reliable demyelination. Brain Research, IF 2.7 (gewichtet 0,96)

Oliver Schmitt, Peter Eipert, Yonggang Wang, Atsushi Kanoke, Gratianne Rabiller, Jialing Liu.
Connectome-based prediction of functional impairment in experimental stroke models. Plos one, IF
2,9 (gewichtet 0.85)


Publikationen im Dezember 2023

2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic Acid Induces Degeneration of mDA Neurons In Vitro.
Russ T, Enders L, Zbiegly JM, Potru PS, Wurm J, Spittau B. Biomedicines. 2023 Oct 24;11(11):2882;
IF 4.7

Publikationen im November 2023

Annelie Zimmermann*, Natalie Böge*, Katharina Schuster, Anna Staffeld, Stephan Lang, Sadaf Gill,
Hanna Rupprecht, Linda Frintrop. Glial cell changes in the corpus callosum in chronically-starved
mice. Journal of Eating Disorders. IF 4,1 (gewichtet 1,5)

Astrocytes: Lessons Learned from the Cuprizone Model. Kipp M; Int J Mol Sci. 2023; IF 5,6 (gewichtet

Experimental glaucoma microstent implantation in two animal models and human donor eyes - an
ex vivo micro-CT based evaluation of applicability. Jens Runge; Sabine Kischkel; Jonas Keiler; Niels
Grabow; Klaus-Peter Schmitz; Stefan Siewert Andreas Wree; Rudolf F. Guthoff; Thomas Stahnke:
Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery; IF 2,9

Publikationen im Oktober 2023

A safety mechanism enables tissue-specific resistance to protein aggregation during aging in C.
elegans. Jung R, Lechler MC, Fernandez-Villegas A, Chung CW, Jones HC, Choi YH, Thompson MA,
Rödelsperger C, Röseler W, Kaminski Schierle GS, Sommer RJ, David DC
PLoS Biol. 2023 Sep 14;21(9):e3002284. doi: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3002284. eCollection 2023 Sep.
PMID: 37708127

Epithelial cell cluster size affects force distribution in response to EGF-induced collective contractility
Zambarda C, Pérez González C, Schoenit A, Veits N, Schimmer C, Jung R, Ollech D, Christian J,
RocaCusachs P, Trepat X, Cavalcanti-Adam EA. Eur J Cell Biol. 2022 Sep-Nov;101(4):151274. doi:
10.1016/j.ejcb.2022.151274. Epub 2022 Sep 17. PMID: 36152392

The chemicals between us-First results of the cluster analyses on anatomy embalming procedures
in the German-speaking countries. Kerner AM, Biedermann U, Bräuer L, Caspers S, Doll S, Engelhardt
M, Filler TJ, Ghebremedhin E, Gundlach S, Hayn-Leichsenring GU, Heermann S, Hettwer-Steeger I,
Hiepe L, Hirt B, Hirtler L, Hörmann R, Kulisch C, Lange T, Leube R, Meuser AH, Müller-Gerbl M,
Nassenstein C, Neckel PH, Nimtschke U, Paulsen F, Prescher A, Pretterklieber M, Schliwa S, Schmidt
K, Schmiedl A, Schomerus C, Schulze-Tanzil G, Schumacher U, Schumann S, Spindler V, Streicher J,
Tschernig T, Unverzagt A, Valentiner U, Viebahn C, Wedel T, Weigner J, Weninger WJ, Westermann
J, Weyers I, Waschke J, Hammer N. Anat Sci Educ. 2023 Sep-Oct;16(5):814-829

Publikationen im September 2023

Effects of prenatal Doppler ultrasound on the retina of the chick embryo in ovo.
König J, Rahn A, Schätzel J, Frank M, Stahnke T, Witt M, Stachs A, Stachs O, Langner I, Lindner T,
Beller E, Fischer DC, Streckenbach F. Anat Histol Embryol. 2023 Sep 5 IF 0.9

Decloquement M, Venuto MT, Cogez V, Steinmetz A, Schulz C, Lion C, Noel M, Rigolot V, Teppa RE,
Biot C, Rebl A, Galuska SP, Harduin-Lepers A. Salmonid polysialyltransferases to generate a variety
of sialic acid polymers. Sci Rep. 2023 Sep 20;13(1):15610.

Publikationen im August 2023

Translocator protein is a marker of activated microglia in rodent models but not human
neurodegenerative diseases. Nutma E, Fancy N, Weinert M, Tsartsalis S, Marzin MC, Muirhead RCJ,
Falk I, Breur M, de Bruin J, Hollaus D, Pieterman R, Anink J, Story D, Chandran S, Tang J, Trolese MC,
Saito T, Saido TC, Wiltshire KH, Beltran-Lobo P, Phillips A, Antel J, Healy L, Dorion MF, Galloway DA,
Benoit RY, Amossé Q, Ceyzériat K, Badina AM, Kövari E, Bendotti C, Aronica E, Radulescu CI, Wong
JH, Barron AM, Smith AM, Barnes SJ, Hampton DW, van der Valk P, Jacobson S, Howell OW, Baker D,
Kipp M, Kaddatz H, Tournier BB, Millet P, Matthews PM, Moore CS, Amor S, Owen DR. Nat Commun.
2023 Aug 28;14(1):5247 IF 16.6

[18F]GE-180-PET and Post Mortem Marker Characteristics of Long-Term High-Fat-Diet-Induced
Chronic Neuroinflammation in Mice. Müller L, Power Guerra N, Schildt A, Lindner T, Stenzel J,
Behrangi N, Bergner C, Alberts T, Bühler D, Kurth J, Krause BJ, Janowitz D, Teipel S, Vollmar B, Kuhla
A. Biomolecules. 2023 Apr 28;13(5):769. IF 5.5

Publikationen im Juli 2023

Chunder R, Schropp V, Marzin M, Amor S, Kuerten S. A Dual Role of Osteopontin in Modifying B Cell
Responses. Biomedicines. 2023 Jul 12;11(7):1969 IF 4,7

Lipocalin-2 Deficiency Diminishes Canonical NLRP3 Inflammasome Formation and IL-1β Production
in the Subacute Phase of Spinal Cord Injury. Nina Müller, Miriam Scheld, Clara Voelz, Natalie
Gasterich, Weiyi Zhao, Victoria Behrens, Ralf Weiskirchen, Maryam Baazm, Tim Clarner, Cordian
Beyer, Nima Sanadgol, Adib Zendedel Int J Mol Sci. 2023 May 12;24(10):8689. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 IF

Publikationen im Juni 2023

Translocator protein is a marker of activated microglia in rodent models but not human
neurodegenerative diseases. Erik Nutma, Nurun Fancy, Maria Weinert, Stergios Tsartsalis, Manuel
C. Marzin, Robert C.J. Muirhead, Irene Falk, Marjolein Breur, Joy de Bruin, David Hollaus, Robin
Pieterman, Jasper Anink, David Story, Siddharthan Chandran, Jiabin Tang, Maria C. Trolese, Takashi
Saito, Takaomi C. Saido, Katharine H. Wiltshire, Paula Beltran-Lobo, Alexandra Phillips, Jack Antel,
Luke Healy, Marie-France Dorion, Dylan A. Galloway, Rochelle Y. Benoit, Quentin Amosse, Kelly
Ceyzériat, Aurélien Badina, Eniko Kovari, Caterina Bendotti, Eleonora Aronica, Carola I. Radulescu,
Jia Hui Wong, Anna M. Barron, Amy M. Smith, Samuel J. Barnes, David W. Hampton, Paul van der
Valk, Steven Jacobson, Owain W. Howell, David Baker, Markus Kipp, Hannes Kaddatz, Benjamin. B
Tournier, Philippe Millet, Paul M. Matthews, Craig S. Moore, Sandra Amor*, David R. Owen*. Nature
communications. IF 17.4 (*contributed equally)

The Cuprizone mouse model: A comparative study of Cuprizone formulations from different
manufacturers. Malena Beecken, Louise Baumann, Elise Vankriekelsvenne, Katerina Manzhula,
Theresa Greiner, Leo Heinig, Steffen Schauerte, Markus Kipp, Sarah Joost. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 IF 6,2

Investigation of stent prototypes for the Eustachian tube in human donor bodies. Rosenbusch L,
Schuon R, Wilfling T, Krüger P, Lebahn K, John S, Sahmel O, Grabow N, Schulze M, Wree A, Schmitz
KP, Stein T, Lenarz T, Paasche G. Bioengineering. IF 5.0

Optimization of mRNA extraction from human nasal mucosa biopsies for gene expression profile
analysis by qRT-PCR. A Bräuer , J Sevecke-Rave, A Gläser, P Nahrath, T Hummel, M Witt. Clin Anat.
2023 Jun 19 IF 2.4

Establishment of a murine chronic anorexia nervosa model. Anna Staffeld, Sadaf Gill, Annelie
Zimmermann, Natalie Böge, Katharina Schuster, Stephan Lang, Markus Kipp, Rupert Palme, Linda
Frintrop. Cells, 2023 IF 7.6

Current status regarding immunosuppressive treatment in patients after renal transplantation
Kamila Szumilas, Aleksandra Wilk, Piotr Wisniewski, Anna Gimpel, Violetta Dziedziejko, Markus Kipp,
Andrzej Pawlik. Int J Mol Sci. 2023 IF 6,2

The pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis: a series of unfortunate events. van Noort, Hans; Baker,
David; Kipp, Markus; Amor, Sandra. Clinical and Experimental Immunology (I.F. 5.7)

Perception of Pathologists in Poland of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Medical
Diagnosis - A Cross-Sectional Study. Alhassan Ali Ahmed, Agnieszka Brychcy, Mohamed Abouzid,
Martin Witt, Elzbieta Kaczmarek Journal of Personalized Medicine

Publikationen im Mai 2023

Streckenbach F, Jäschke M, Jahns N, Langner I, König J, Wree A, Stahnke T, Stachs O, Frank M,
Langner S, Lindner T. MR microscopy of the developing upper extremity of the chicken in ovo using
7 T MRI. Anat Histol Embryol. 2023 May; 52(3):356-362. doi: 10.1111/ahe.12894. (I.F. 1.130)

Antipova V, Niedermair JF, Siwetz M, Fellner FA, Löffler S, Manhal S, Ondruschka B, Sandra Pietras,
Amélie Poilliot, Pretterklieber ML, Wree A, Hammer N. Undergraduate medical student perceptions
and learning outcomes related to anatomy training using Thiel and ethanol-glycerin embalmed
tissues. Anat Sci Educ., May 2023 (I.F. 6.652)

Publikationen im April 2023

New Insights into the Communications of the Facial Vein with the Dural Venous Sinuses.
Martin Siwetz, Hannes Widni-Pajank, Niels Hammer, Ulrike Pilsl, Simon Bruneder, Andreas Wree,
Veronica Antipova. Medicina (Kaunas). 2023 Mar 19;59(3):609. Impaktfaktor 2,948

Are live lectures a discontinued model? A survey on the influence of synchronous online lecturing
on the perception of teaching and assessment outcome. Jannik Osten, Victoria Behrens, Sadie
Behrens, Andreas Herrler, Tim Clarner. GMA Journal of Medical Education. Impaktfaktor 1,14

Publikationen im März 2023

Low sulfated heparan sulfate mimetic differentially affects repair in immune-mediated and toxininduced
experimental models of demyelination. Lindsay SL, McCanney GA, Zhan J, Scheld M, Smith
RS, Goodyear CS, Yates EA, Kipp M, Turnbull JE, Barnett SC. Glia. 2023 Mar 21. doi:
10.1002/glia.24363. Impaktfaktor 8,1

Publikationen im Februar 2023

Future therapeutic strategies for olfactory disorders: electrical stimulation, stem cell therapy, and
transplantation of olfactory epithelium-an overview. Gunder N, Dörig P, Witt M, Welge-Lüssen A,
Menzel S, Hummel T. HNO. 2023 Feb 3. doi: 10.1007/s00106-022-01249-8. Online ahead of print.
PMID: 36734997 Review. English. Impaktfaktor 1,33

Publikationen im Januar 2023

Distribution of Cleaved SNAP-25 in the Rat Brain, following Unilateral Injection of Botulinum
Neurotoxin-A into the Striatum. Schümann F, Schmitt O, Wree A, Hawlitschka A. Int J Mol Sci. 2023
Jan 14;24(2):1685. doi: 10.3390/ijms24021685. Impaktfaktor 6,2


Publikationen im Dezember 2022


Anatomie in Fällen - Schnitt und Bildgebung: Kipp, Markus; Nikoubashman, Omid; Volmer, Erik.
Elsevier Verlag, ISBN 978-3-437-41273-8.


Remyelination in Multiple Sclerosis: Findings in the cuprizone model. Leo Heinig, Markus Kipp,
Int J Mol Sci. 2022 (IF 6,2/3,191).


Food Restriction in Mice Induces Food-Anticipatory Activity and Circadian-Rhythm-Related Activity
Changes. Gabloffsky T, Gill S, Staffeld A, Salomon R, Power Guerra N, Joost S, Hawlitschka A,
Kipp M
, Frintrop L, Nutrients 2022 (IF 6,706/4,349).


Publikationen im November 2022

MR microscopy of the developing upper extremity of the chicken in ovo using 7 T MRI. 2022.
Streckenbach F, Jäschke M, Jahns N, Langner I, König J, Wree A, Stahnke T, Stachs O, Frank M,
Langner S, Lindner T., Anatomia, Histologia, Embryologia (IF 1,13/1,063).

Reaction-diffusion models in weighted and directed connectomes. Schmitt O, Nitzsche C, Eipert P,
Prathapan V, Hütt MT, Hilgetag CC. PLoS Comput Biol. 2022 Oct 28;18(10):e1010507. doi:
10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010507 [Titel anhand dieser DOI in Citavi-Projekt übernehmen] . eCollection
2022 Oct. (IF 4,77/2,497).

PRG3 and PRG5 C-Termini: Important Players in Early Neuronal Differentiation.
Brandt N, Willmer JP, Ayon-Olivas MS, Banicka V, Witt M, Wree A, Groß I, Gläser A, Hausmann J,
Bräuer AU. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Oct 27;23(21):13007 (IF 6,2/3,191).

Antimicrobial Activity of Peptide-Coupled Antisense Peptide Nucleic Acids in Streptococcus
pneumoniae. Barkowsky G, Abt C, Pöhner I, Bieda A, Hammerschmidt S, Jacob A, Kreikemeyer B,
Patenge N. Microbiol Spectr. 2022 Nov 2:e0049722 (IF 9.043)

Publikationen im Oktober 2022:

Morphology of the murine choroid plexus: attachment regions and spatial relation to the
subarachnoid space. Greiner T, Baumann L, Manzhula K, Kaddatz H, Runge J, Keiler J, Kipp M, Joost
S. Front Neuroanat. 2022 (IF 3,54/1,992).

Publikationen im September 2022:

Differential Cellular Balance of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Epithelia in a Transgenic BACHD Rat
Model of Huntington's Disease. Krysewski LM, Power Guerra N, Glatzel A, Holzmann C, Antipova V,
Schmitt O, Yu-Taeger L, Nguyen HP, Wree A, Witt M. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 10;23(14):7625. 2022 (IF

Microglial CD74 Expression Is Regulated by TGFβ Signaling. Jahn J, Bollensdorf A, Kalischer C, Piecha
R, Weiß-Müller J, Potru PS, Ruß T, Spittau B. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 (IF 6,2/3,191).

Motor behavioral deficits in the cuprizone model: validity of the rotarod test paradigm. Lubrich C,
Giesler P and Kipp M. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 13;23(18):10607. (IF 6,2/3,191).

cAMP and the Fibrous Sheath Protein CABYR (Ca2+-Binding Tyrosine-Phosphorylation-Regulated
Protein) Is Required for 4D Sperm Movement. Frintrop L, Wiesehöfer C, Stoskus A, Hilken G,
Dubicanac M, von Ostau NE, Rode S, Elgeti J, Dankert JT, Wennemuth G. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep
13;23(18):10607. (IF 6,2/3,191).

Publikationen im August 2022:

Molekulare Biologie und Mikrobiologie: Basiswissen und Labormethoden– 3. Auflage (18. August
2022), Europa Lehrmittel von Linda Frintrop, Heribert Keweloh, ISBN-10 3808564687; ISBN-13
978-3808564684; 495 Seiten.

The Water Transport System in Astrocytes-Aquaporins. Zhou Z, Zhan J, Cai Q, Xu F, Chai R, Lam K,
Luan Z, Zhou G, Tsang S, Kipp M, Han W, Zhang R, Yu ACH. Cells. 2022 Aug 18;11(16):2564. (IF 7,6).

Publikationen im Juli 2022:

Insufficiency fractures of the spine in relation to cancellous bone density : An in vitro study. Schröder
G, Flachsmeyer D, Kullen CM, Andresen JR, Schulze M, Hiepe L, Schober HC, Andresen R.
Orthopadie (Heidelb). (IF 1,004).

Lipocalin 2 attenuates oligodendrocyte loss and immune cell infiltration in mouse models for multiple
sclerosis. Gasterich N, Bohn A, Sesterhenn A, Nebelo F, Fein L, Kaddatz H, Nyamoya S, Kant S,
Kipp M, Weiskirchen R, Zendedel A, Beyer C, Clarner T. GLIA (IF: 8.07).

Olfaction in a transgenic rat model of Huntington´s disease. Lina-Marielle Krysewski, Nicole Power
Guerra, Annika Glatzel, Carsten Holzmann, Veronica Antipova, Oliver Schmitt, Libo Yu-Taeger,
Huu Phuc Nguyen, Andreas Wree and Martin Witt. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR
SCIENCES (IF: 6,20).

Publikationen im Juni 2022:

Kretzschmar F, Piecha R, Jahn J, Potru PS, Spittau B. Characterization of the Leucocyte
Immunoglobulin-like Receptor B4 (Lilrb4) Expression in Microglia. Biology (Basel). 2021 Dec
Seite 49;10(12):1300. (IF: 5.07)

Falomir-Lockhart E, Dolcetti FJC, Herrera ML, Pennini J, Zappa Villar MF, Salinas G, Portiansky E,
Spittau B, Lacunza E, Hereñú CB, Bellini MJ. IGF-1 Gene Transfer Modifies Inflammatory
Environment and Gene Expression in the Caudate-Putamen of Aged Female Rat Brain Mol Neurobiol.
2022 Jun;59(6):3337-3352 (IF: 5.68)

Behrangi S, Heinig L, Frintrop L, Santrau E, Kurth J, Krause B, Atanasova D, Clarner T, Fragoulis
A, Joksch M, Rudolf H, Meuth SG, Joost S, and Kipp M. Siponimod ameliorates metabolic
oligodendrocyte injury via the sphingosine-1 phosphate receptor 5. Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences (IF: 12.8).

Kipp M, Radlanski K. Neuroanatomie: Nachschlagen, Lernen, Verstehen (2. Auflage), KVM - Der
Medizinverlag; ISBN: 978-3-86867-409-5 (3.Auflage).

Runge J, Stahnke T, Guthoff R, Wree A, Keiler J. Micro-CT in ophthalmology: ex vivo preparation
and contrasting methods for detailed 3D-visualization of eye anatomy with special emphasis on critical
point drying. Quantitative Imaging in Medicine and Surgery. (IF: 3.8)

Mariela Wittekindt, Hannes Kaddatz ,Sarah Joost , Anna Staffeld ,Yamen Bitar, Markus Kipp
and Linda Frintrop. Different Methods for Evaluating Microglial Activation Using Anti-Ionized
Calcium-Binding Adaptor Protein-1 Immunohistochemistry in the Cuprizone Model. Cells 2022 (IF:

Feifei L, Richter A, Runge J, Keiler J, Hermann A, Kipp M, Joost S. Spontaneous Hind Limb
Paralysis Due to Acute Precursor B Cell Leukemia in RAG1-deficient Mice. J Mol Neurosci. 2022 May
18 (IF: 3,4)

Dragic M, Mihajlovic K, Adzic M, Jakovljevic M, Kontic MZ, Mitrović N, Laketa D, Lavrnja I, Kipp M,
Grković I, Nedeljkovic N. Expression of Ectonucleoside Triphosphate Diphosphohydrolase 2
(NTPDase2) Is Negatively Regulated Under Neuroinflammatory Conditions In Vivo and In Vitro. ASN
Neuro. 2022 (IF: 4,1)


Publikationen im Mai 2022:

Differential Cellular Balance of Olfactory and Vomeronasal Epithelia in a Transgenic BACHD Rat
Model of Huntington's Disease. Krysewski LM, Power Guerra N, Glatzel A, Holzmann C, Antipova V,
Schmitt O, Yu-Taeger L, Nguyen HP, Wree A, Witt M. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jul 10;23(14):7625. 2022 (IF

Microglial CD74 Expression Is Regulated by TGFβ Signaling. Jahn J, Bollensdorf A, Kalischer C, Piecha
R, Weiß-Müller J, Potru PS, Ruß T, Spittau B. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 (IF 6,2/3,191).

Motor behavioral deficits in the cuprizone model: validity of the rotarod test paradigm. Lubrich C,
Giesler P and Kipp M. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep 13;23(18):10607. (IF 6,2/3,191).

cAMP and the Fibrous Sheath Protein CABYR (Ca2+-Binding Tyrosine-Phosphorylation-Regulated
Protein) Is Required for 4D Sperm Movement. Frintrop L, Wiesehöfer C, Stoskus A, Hilken G,
Dubicanac M, von Ostau NE, Rode S, Elgeti J, Dankert JT, Wennemuth G. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Sep
13;23(18):10607. (IF 6,2/3,191).

Publikationen im April 2022:

Gross I, Wöhlbrand L, Rabus R, Witt M, Bräuer AU* Plasticity-related Gene 5 is expressed in a late
phase of neurodifferentiation after neuronal cell-fate determination. Front. Cell. Neurosci., 15 April
2022 | (IF: 5.5)

Mackowiak-Lewandowicz K, Ostalska-Nowicka D, Zaorska K, Kaczmarek E, Zachwieja J, Witt M,
Nowicki M. Chronic kidney disease predictors in obese adolescents. Pediatr Nephrol. 2022 Feb
24.doi: 10.1007/s00467-021-05403-2. (IF: 3.7)

Dörig P, Gunder N, Witt M, Welge-Lüssen A, Hummel T. [Future therapeutic strategies for olfactory
disorders: electrical stimulation, stem cell therapy, and transplantation of olfactory epithelium-an
overview]. HNO. 2021 May 14;. doi: 10.1007/s00106-021-01060-x. [Epub ahead of print] Review.
PubMed PMID: 33988723; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC8120256.

Bohn S, Stahnke T, Sperlich K, Linke SJ, Farrokhi S, Klemm M, Allgeier S, Köhler B, Reichert KM,
Witt M, Stachs O, Guthoff RF. In vivo Histology of the Cornea - from the "Rostock Cornea Module" to
the "Rostock Electronic Slit Lamp" - a Clinical "Proof of Concept" Study. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 2020
Nov 23;. doi: 10.1055/a-1297-4717. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 33231276.

Oliver Schmitt, Peter Eipert, Frauke Ruß, Julia Beier, Kanar Kadir & Anja Horn The brainstem
connectome database. Sci Data. 2022 Apr 12;9(1):168 (IF 6.4)

Publikationen im März 2022:

Ulrike Lötzsch, Ute Brinker, Barbara Teßmann, Michael Schultz, Julia Pelenitsyna, Laura Hiepe,
Anna-Maria Begerock. Raren Stücken auf der Spur – Schädel aus Pappmaché in deutschen
Sammlungen. Das Altertum, 2022, Band 67, Seiten 43-70

Publikationen im Februar 2022:

Elise Vankriekelsvenne, Uta Chrzanowski, Katerina Manzhula, Theresa Greiner, Andreas Wree,
Alexander Hawlitschka, Gemma Llovera, Jiangshan Zhan, Sarah Joost, Christoph Schmitz, Peter
Ponsaerts, Sandra Amor, Erik Nutma, Markus Kipp and Hannes Kaddatz. Transmembrane protein
119 is neither a specific nor a reliable marker for microglia. GLIA (IF 7.5)

Publikationen im Januar 2022:

Sarah Joost, Felix Schweiger, Friederike Pfeiffer, Carolin Ertl, Jonas Keiler, Marcus Frank, Markus
Kipp. Cuprizone intoxication results in myelin vacuole formation. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience.
(IF 5.5)

Alberts Teresa, Antipova Veronica, Holzmann Carsten, Hawlitschka Alexander, Schmitt Oliver,
Kurth Jens, Stenzel Jan, Lindner Tobias, Krause Bernd, Wree Andreas and Witt Martin Olfactory
bulb D2/D3 receptor availability after intrastriatal botulinum neurotoxin–A injection in a unilateral 6-
OHDA rat model of Parkinson’s disease. Toxins. (IF 4.5)


Greiner T, Kipp M. What Guides Peripheral Immune Cells into the Central Nervous System? Cells. 2021. (IF 6.6)

Ewa Trojan, Kinga Tylek, Monika Leśkiewicz, Władysław Lasoń, Lars-Ove Brandenburg, Marcello Leopoldo, Enza Lacivita, Agnieszka Basta-Kaim. The N-Formyl Peptide Receptor 2 (FPR2) Agonist MR-39 Exhibits Anti-Inflammatory Activity in LPS-Stimulated Organotypic Hippocampal Cultures. Cells. 2021 Jun 17;10(6):1524. (IF 6.6)

Interleukin-17 and Th17 Lymphocytes Directly Impair Motoneuron Survival of Wildtype and FUS-ALS Mutant Human iPSCs. Jin M, Akgün K, Ziemssen T, Kipp M, Günther R, Hermann A. Int J Mol Sci. 2021 (IF 5.9)

Horst Claassen, Christian Busch, Matthias Stefan May, Martin Schicht, Michael Scholz, Marko Schulze, Friedrich Paulsen and Andreas Wree. Cor Triatriatum Sinistrum Combined with Changes in Atrial Septum and Right Atrium in a 60-Year-Old Woman. Medicinae (IF. 2.4)

Jiangshan Zhan, Markus Kipp, Wenling Han, Hannes Kaddatz. Ectopic Lymphoid Follicles in Progressive Multiple Sclerosis: From Patients to Animal models. Immunology, 2021 (IF. 7.4)

Veronica Antipova *, Carsten Holzmann, Alexander Hawlitschka, Martin Witt, Andreas Wree. Antidepressant-like properties of intrastriatal botulinum neurotoxin-A injection in a unilateral 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinson's disease. Toxins (IF 4.5)

M. Oster, H. Reyer, J. Keiler, et al., Comfrey (Symphytum spp.) as a feed supplement in pig nutrition contributes to regional resource cycles, Science of theTotal Environment (2018), (IF 7.96)

Stahnke T, Lindner T, Guthoff RF, Stachs O, Wree A, Langner S, Niendorf T, Grabow N, Gläss Ä, Beller E, Polei S. Ultrahigh field MRI determination of water diffusion rates in ex vivo human lenses of different age. Quant Imaging Med Surg. Jul;11(7):3029-3041. doi: 10.21037/qims-20-1124. PMID: 34249632 Free PMC article (I.F. 3.837)

Jiangshan Zhan; Florian Nepomuk Fegg; Hannes Kaddatz; Sebastian Rühling; Julia Frenz; Bernd Denecke; Sandra Amor; Peter Ponsaerts; Tanja Hochstrasser, Kipp M. Focal white matter lesions induce long-lasting axonal degeneration, neuroinflammation and behavioral deficits, Neurobiology of Disease (I.F. 5.3)

Oster, M., Reyer, H., Gerlinger, C., Trakooljul, N., Siengdee, P., Keiler, J., Ponsuksili, S., Wolf, P., Wimmers, K. mRNA profiles of porcine parathyroid glands following variable phosphorus supplies throughout fetal and postnatal life. Biomedicines 2021, 9 (454). (I.F. 4.7)

Internationale Patentanmeldung (PCT) "Venenklappenprothese"; Erfinder: Michael Stiehm, Dr. Wolfram Schmidt, Prof. Dr. Niels Grabow, Jonas Keiler, Maria Boeck, Andreas Wree, Andreas Hof, Dr. Heinz Müller, Dr. Carsten Momma, Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Schmitz, Karsten Koop

Böckers A, Claassen H, Haastert-Talini K, Westermann J. Teaching anatomy under COVID-19 conditions at german universities: recommendations of the teaching commmission of the anatomical society. Annals of Anatomy 2021 (I.F. 2.388)

Claassen H, Schmitt O, Schulze M, Wree A. Deep femoral artery: a new point of view based on cadaveric study. Annals of Anatomy 2021 (I.F. 2.388)

HolzmannC, Witt M, Rolfs A, Antipova V, Wree A. Gender-Specific Effects of Two Treatment Strategies in a Mouse Model of Niemann-Pick Disease Type C1. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2021 (I.F. 4.6)

Schröder G, Jabke B, Schulze M, Wree A, Martin H, Sahmel O, Doerell A, Kullen CM, Andresen R, Schober HC. A comparison, using X-ray micro-computed tomography, of the architecture of cancellous bone from the cervical, thoracic and lumbar spine using 240 vertebral bodies from 10 body donors. Anat Cell Biol (ACB) 2021,, pISSN 2093-3665 eISSN 2093-3673 (I.F. 1.1)

Stahnke T, Lindner T, Guthoff RF, Stachs O, Wree A, Langner S, Niendorf T, Grabow N, Gläss Ä, Polei S. Ultrahigh field MRI determination of water diffusion rates in ex vivo human lenses of different age. Quant Imaging Med Surg 2021 (I.F. 3.074)

Decreased angiogenesis as a possible pathomechanism in cervical degenerative myelopathy. Blume C, Geiger MF, Müller M, Clusmann H, Mainz V, Kalder J, Brandenburg LO, Mueller CA. Sci Rep. 2021 Jan 28;11(1):2497. IF 4.0


Kipp M. Oligodendrocyte Physiology and Pathology Function-Editorial. Cells. 2020 Sep 11;9(9):E2078. IF: 4.4

Oster M, Reyer H, Keiler J, Ball E, Mulvenna C, Murani E, Ponsuksili S, Wimmers K. 2020. Comfrey (Symphytum spp.) as an alternative field crop contributing to closed agricultural cycles in chicken feeding. Sci. Total Environ 742. IF: 5.6

Wree A, Hawlitschka A, Holzmann C, Witt M, Kurth J, Lindner T, Mann T, Antipova V. Interlinking potential therapy with botulinum neurotoxin-A and Parkinson´s disease. Capt 38 in “The Neuroscience of Parkinson's Disease”, Vol 1: “Diagnostic and Management in Parkonson´s Disease” (Ed. CR Martin, VR Preedy), Academic Press, 2020, 665-681, ISBN 0128159596, 9780128159590 (I.F. ---)

Klinder A, Kussauer S, HiemerB, WreeA, BaderR, Jonitz-HeinckeA. Influence of conditioned media on the re-differentiation capacity of human chondrocytes in 3D spheroid cultures. accepted at Journal of Clinical Medicine – August  2020 (I.F. 3.303)

Kipp M. Does Siponimod Exert Direct Effects in the Central Nervous System? Cells. 2020 Jul 24;9(8):E1771; IF 4.4

Kirschenbaum D, Limbach LL, Ulrich S, Rushing EJ, Keller E, Reimann RR, Frauenknecht KBM, Lichtblau M, Witt M, Hummel T, Steiger P*, Aguzzi A*, Frontzek K. Inflammatory olfactory neuropathy in two patients with Covid-19. The Lancet; IF 60.4

Licht-Mayer S, Campbell GR, Canizares M, Mehta AR, Gane AB, McGill K, Ghosh A, Fullerton A, Menezes N, Dean J, Dunham J, Al-Azki S, Pryce G, Zandee S, Zhao C, Kipp M, Smith KJ, Baker D, Altmann D, Anderton SM, Kap YS, Laman JD, Hart BA', Rodriguez M, Watzlawick R, Schwab JM, Carter R, Morton N, Zagnoni M, Franklin RJM, Mitchell R, Fleetwood-Walker S, Lyons DA, Chandran S, Lassmann H, Trapp BD, Mahad DJ. Enhanced axonal response of mitochondria to demyelination offers neuroprotection: implications for multiple sclerosis. Acta Neuropathol. 2020 Jun 22; IF 14.2

Schröder N, Schaffrath A, Welter JA, Putzka T, Griep A, Ziegler P, Brandt E, Samer S, Heneka MT, Kaddatz H, Zhan J, Kipp E, Pufe T, Tauber SC, Kipp M, Brandenburg LO. Inhibition of formyl peptide receptors improves the outcome in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Apr 24;17(1):131; IF 5.8

Hoffmann B, Lange T, Labitzky V, Riecken K, Wree A, Schumacher U, Wedemann G. The initial engraftment of tumor cells is critical for the future growth pattern: a mathematical study based on simulations and animal experiments. BMC Cancer. 2020 Jun 5;20(1); IF 3.2

Reinbach C, Stadler M, Pröbstl N, Chrzanowski U, Schmitz C, Kipp M, Hochstrasser T. CD44 expression in the cuprizone model. Brain Res. 2020 May; IF 2.7

Gläser A, Franziska Hammerl F, Markus Gräler M, Sina Coldewey S, Völkner, Moritz Frech M, Jiankai Luo J, Fan Yang F, Eric Tönnies E, Oliver von Bohlen und Halbach O, Nicola Brandt N, Heimes D, Nesslauer AM, Korenke GC, Owczarek-Lipska M, Neidhardt J, Rolf A, Wree A, Witt M, Bräuer AU. Identification of brain-specific treatment effects in NPC1 disease by focusing on cellular and molecular changes of sphingosine-1-phosphate metabolism. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2020, 21(12), 4502; IF 4.6

Hawlitschka A, Berg C, Schmitt O, Holzmann C, Wree A, Antipova V. Repeated intrastriatal application of botulinum neurotoxin-A did not influence choline acetyltransferase-immunoreactive interneurons in hemiparkinsonian rat brain - A histological, stereological and correlational analysis. Brain Res. 2020 May 6:146877. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.146877; IF 2.9

von Ehr A, Attaai A, Neidert N, Potru PS, Ruß T, Zöller T, Spittau B. Inhibition of Microglial TGFβ Signaling Increases Expression of Mrc1. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020; IF 4.6

Schröder N, Schaffrath A, Welter JA, Putzka T, Griep A, Ziegler P, Brandt E, Samer S, Heneka MT, Kaddatz H, Zhan J, Kipp E, Pufe T, Tauber SC, Kipp M, Brandenburg LO. Inhibition of formyl peptide receptors improves the outcome in a mouse model of Alzheimer disease. J Neuroinflammation. 2020 Apr 24;17(1):131, IF 5.2

Schulze M, Langner S, Wree A. Blutungen und Akutverletzungen des Gehirns. Notfall Rettungsmed., I.F. 0.532

Zhan J, Mann T, Joost S, Behrangi N, Frank M, Kipp M. The Cuprizone Model: Dos and Do Nots. Cells. 2020, IF 5.7

Blume C, Geiger MF, Brandenburg LO, Müller M, Mainz V, Kalder J, Albanna W, Clusmann H, Mueller CA. Patients with degenerative cervical myelopathy have signs of blood spinal cord barrier disruption, and its magnitude correlates with myelopathy severity: a prospective comparative cohort study. Eur Spine J. 2020. IF 2.6


Straathof M, Sinke MRT, Roelofs TJM, Blezer ELA, Sarabdjitsingh RA, van der Toorn A, Schmitt O, Otte WM, Dijkhuizen RM. Distinct structure-function relationships across cortical regions and connectivity scales in the rat brain. Sci Rep. 2020 Jan 9;10(1):56. IF 4.1


Kreft D, Keiler J, Grambow E, Kischkel S, Wree A, Doblhammer G. Prevalence and mortality of venous leg diseases of the deep veins. An observational cohort study based on German health claims data. Angiology. 2020. IF 2.4


Keiler JA, Benecke M, Keiler J. Bone modifications by insects from the Early Pleistocene site of Untermassfeld. The Pleistocene of Untermassfeld near Meiningen (Thuringia), Volume 4. 2020.


Yakimov V, Schweiger F, Zhan J, Behrangi N, Horn A, Schmitz C, Hochstrasser T, Kipp M.:
"Continuous cuprizone intoxication allows active experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis induction in C57BL/6 mice."
Histochem Cell Biol. 2019 Apr 23. doi: 10.1007/s00418-019-01786-4. PubMed 31016368

Leopold P, Schmitz C, Kipp M.:
"Animal Weight Is an Important Variable for Reliable Cuprizone-Induced Demyelination."
J Mol Neurosci. 2019 Apr 2. doi: 10.1007/s12031-019-01312-0. PubMed 30937629

Chrzanowski U, Bhattarai S, Scheld M, Clarner T, Fallier-Becker P, Beyer C, Rohr SO, Schmitz C, Hochstrasser T, Schweiger F, Amor S, Horn-Bochtler A, Denecke B, Nyamoya S, Kipp M.:
"Oligodendrocyte degeneration and concomitant microglia activation directs peripheral immune cells into the forebrain."
Neurochem Int. 2019 Mar 10;126:139-153. doi: 10.1016/j.neuint.2019.03.005. PubMed 30867127

Suckau O, Gross I, Schrötter S, Yang F, Luo J, Wree A, Chun J, Baska D, Baumgart J, Kano K, Aoki J, Bräuer AU.:
"LPA1 , LPA2 , LPA4 , and LPA6 receptor expression during mouse brain development."
Dev Dyn. 2019 Mar 8. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.23. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 30847983

Antipova V, Holzmann C, Hawlitschka A, Wree A.:
"Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injected Intrastriatally into Hemiparkinsonian Rats Improves the Initiation Time for Left and Right Forelimbs in Both Forehand and Backhand Directions."
Int J Mol Sci. 2019 Feb 25;20(4). pii: E992. doi: 10.3390/ijms20040992. PubMed 30823527 


Zöller T, Schneider A, Kleimeyer C, Masuda T, Potru PS, Pfeifer D, Blank T, Prinz M, Spittau B.:
Silencing of TGFβ signalling in microglia results in impaired homeostasis.“
Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 1;9(1):4011. doi: 10.1038/s41467-018-06224-y., PubMed 30275444

Seidel R, Zukowski K, Wree A, Schulze M.:
"Ultrasound-guided intermediate cervical plexus and additional peripheral facial nerve block for carotid endarterectomy : A prospective pilot study."
Anaesthesist. 2018 Oct 1. doi: 10.1007/s00101-018-0493-7. [Epub ahead of print], PubMed 30276418

Keiler J, Schulze M, Claassen H, Wree A.:
"Human Femoral Vein Diameter and Topography of Valves and Tributaries: A Post Mortem Analysis."
Clin Anat. 2018 Sep 21. doi: 10.1002/ca.23224. PubMed 30240062

Mann T, Kurth J, Hawlitschka A, Stenzel J, Lindner T, Polei S, Hohn A, Krause BJ, Wree A.:
"[18F]fallypride-PET/CT Analysis of the Dopamine D₂/D₃ Receptor in the Hemiparkinsonian Rat Brain Following Intrastriatal Botulinum Neurotoxin A Injection."
Molecules. 2018 Mar 6;23(3). pii: E587. doi: 10.3390/molecules23030587. PubMed 29509680

Antipova V, Wree A, Holzmann C, Mann T, Palomero-Gallagher N, Zilles K, Schmitt O, Hawlitschka A.:
"Unilateral Botulinum Neurotoxin-A Injection into the Striatum of C57BL/6 Mice Leads to a Different Motor Behavior Compared with Rats."
Toxins (Basel). 2018 Jul 17;10(7). pii: E295. doi: 10.3390/toxins10070295. PubMed 30018211

Becker B, Demirbas M, Johann S, Zendedel A, Beyer C, Clusmann H, Haas SJ, Wree A, Tan SKH, Kipp M.:
"Effect of Intrastriatal 6-OHDA Lesions on Extrastriatal Brain Structures in the Mouse."
Mol Neurobiol. 2018 May;55(5):4240-4252. doi: 10.1007/s12035-017-0637-9. Epub 2017 Jun 14, PubMed 28616718

Attaai A, Neidert N, von Ehr A, Potru PS, Zöller T, Spittau B.:
"Postnatal maturation of microglia is associated with alternative activation and activated TGFβ signaling.”
Glia. 2018 Mar 25. doi: 10.1002/glia.23332. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 29575117

Oster M, Keiler J, Schulze M, Reyer H, Wree A, Wimmers K.:
“Fast and reliable dissection of porcine parathyroid glands - A protocol for molecular and histological analyses.”
Ann Anat. 2018 Jun 21. pii: S0940-9602(18)30082-7. doi: 10.1016/j.aanat.2018.05.007. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 29936218

Zöller T, Attaai A, Potru PS, Ruß T, Spittau B.:
“Aged Mouse Cortical Microglia Display an Activation Profile Suggesting Immunotolerogenic Functions.”
Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Mar 1;19(3). pii: E706. doi: 10.3390/ijms19030706., PubMed 29494550

Wedekind F, Oskamp A, Lang M, Hawlitschka A, Zilles K, Wree A, Bauer A.:
“Intrastriatal administration of botulinum neurotoxin A normalizes striatal D2 R binding and reduces striatal D1 R binding in male hemiparkinsonian rats.”
J Neurosci Res. 2018 May;96(5):921. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24198., PubMed 29537709

Mann T, Zilles K, Dikow H, Hellfritsch A, Cremer M, Piel M, Rösch F, Hawlitschka A, Schmitt O, Wree A.:
”Dopamine, noradrenaline and serotonin receptor densities in the striatum of hemiparkinsonian rats following Botulinum neurotoxin-A injection.”
Neuroscience. 2018 Feb 5. pii: S0306-4522(18)30083-6. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2018.01.053., PubMed 29421436


Kopp F, Eickner T, Polei S, Falke K, Witt M, Grabow N, Stachs O, Guthoff RF, Lindner T.:
“Ultrahigh field MR imaging of a subconjunctival anti-glaucoma drug delivery system in a rabbit model.”
Sci Rep. 2017 Nov 17;7(1):15780. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-15954-w., PubMed 29150670

Lukas J, Cozma C, Yang F, Kramp G, Meyer A, Neßlauer AM, Eichler S, Böttcher T, Witt M, Bräuer AU, Kropp P, Rolfs A.:
“Glucosylsphingosine Causes Hematological and Visceral Changes in Mice-Evidence for a Pathophysiological Role in Gaucher Disease.“
Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Oct 20;18(10). pii: E2192. doi: 10.3390/ijms18102192., PubMed 29053611

Meyer A, Wree A, Günther R, Holzmann C, Schmitt O, Rolfs A, Witt M.:
“Increased Regenerative Capacity of the Olfactory Epithelium in Niemann-Pick Disease Type C1.“
Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Apr 6;18(4). pii: E777. doi: 10.3390/ijms18040777., PubMed 28383485

Schulze M., Wree, A.:
„Anatomie des Herz-Kreislauf-Systems aus notfallmedizinischer Sicht.“
Notfall + Rettungsmedizin, 20(8), 693-706 DOI:10.1007/s10049-017-0384-5

Hawlitschka A, Holzmann C, Witt S, Spiewok J, Neumann AM, Schmitt O, Wree A, Antipova V.:
“Intrastriatally injected botulinum neurotoxin-A differently effects cholinergic and dopaminergic fibers in C57BL/6 mice.”
Brain Res. 2017 Dec 1;1676:46-56. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2017.09.016. Epub 2017 Sep 15, PubMed 28919466

Wedekind F, Oskamp A, Lang M, Hawlitschka A, Zilles K, Wree A, Bauer A.:
"Intrastriatal administration of botulinum neurotoxin A normalizes striatal D2 R binding and reduces striatal D1 R binding in male hemiparkinsonian rats.“
J Neurosci Res. 2017 Jul 11. doi: 10.1002/jnr.24110. [Epub ahead of print], PubMed 28695985

Antipova VA, Holzmann C, Schmitt O, Wree A, Hawlitschka A.:
"Botulinum Neurotoxin A Injected Ipsilaterally or Contralaterally into the Striatum in the Rat 6-OHDA Model of Unilateral Parkinson's Disease Differently Affects Behavior.“
Front Behav Neurosci. 2017 Jun 21;11:119. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2017.00119. eCollection 2017. PubMed 28680396

Seidel R, Wree A, Schulze M.:
“Does the approach influence the success rate for ultrasound-guided rectus sheath blocks? An anatomical case series”
Local Reg Anesth. 2017 Jul 5;10:61-65. doi: 10.2147/LRA.S133500, PubMed 28740428

Rabenstein M, Peter F, Joost S, Trilck M, Rolfs A, Frech MJ
"Decreased calcium flux in Niemann-Pick type C1 patient-specific iPSC-derived neurons due to higher amount of calcium-impermeable AMPA receptors."
Mol Cell Neurosci. 2017 Jun 27;83:27-36. doi: 10.1016/j.mcn.2017.06.007, PubMed 28666962

Joost S, Kobayashi K, Wree A, Haas SJ
"Optimisation of murine organotypic slice culture preparation for a novel sagittal-frontal co-culture system.“
J Neurosci Methods. 2017 May 3. pii: S0165-0270(17)30122-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jneumeth.2017.05.003, PubMed 28478074

Kowtharapu BS, Winter K, Marfurt C, Allgeier S, Köhler B, Hovakimyan M, Stahnke T, Wree A, Stachs O, Guthoff RF
"Comparative quantitative assessment of the human corneal sub-basal nerve plexus by in vivo confocal microscopy and histological staining."
Eye (Lond). 2017, 31(3):481-490. doi: 10.1038/eye.2016.220., PubMed 27813513

Schmitt O, Badurek S, Liu W, Wang Y, Rabiller G, Kanoke A, Eipert P, Liu  J (2017)
"Prediction of regional functional impairment following  experimental stroke via connectome analysis." Rep. 2017 Apr 13;7:46316. doi: 10.1038/srep46316 PubMed 28406178

Malinska A, Podemska Z, Sujka-Kordowska P, Witkiewicz W, Nowicki M, Perek B, Witt M
“Caveolin 2: a facultative marker of unfavourable prognosis in long-term patency rate of internal thoracic artery grafts used in coronary artery bypass grafting. Preliminary report.”
Interact Cardiovasc Thorac Surg. 2017 Jan 25. pii: ivw411. doi: 10.1093/icvts/ivw411., PubMed 28122853

Keiler, J., Schulze, M., Sombetzki, M., Heller, T., Tischer, N. Grabow, T., Wree, A., Bänsch, D.:
"Neointimal fibrotic lead encapsulation – clinical challenges and demands for implantable cardiac electronic devices."
J Cardiol. 2017 Jul;70(1):7-17. doi: 10.1016/j.jjcc.2017.01.011., PubMed 28583688

Seidel R, Gray AT, Wree A, Schulze M
“Surgery of the axilla with combined brachial plexus and intercostobrachial nerve block in the subpectoral intercostal plane.”
Br J Anaesth. 2017 Mar 1;118(3):472-474. doi: 10.1093/bja/aex009, PubMed 28203727

Stahnke T, Kowtharapu BS, Stachs O, Schmitz KP, Wurm J, Wree A, Guthoff RF, Hovakimyan M
“Suppression of TGF-β pathway by pirfenidone decreases extracellular matrix deposition in ocular fibroblasts in vitro.”
PLoS One. 2017 Feb 23;12(2):e0172592. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0172592. eCollection 2017. PubMed 28231275


Wohlert D, Kröger J, Witt M, Schmitt O, Wree A, Czech-Damal N, Siebert U, Folkow L, Hanke FD.:
”A Comparative Morphometric Analysis of Three Cranial Nerves in Two Phocids: The Hooded Seal (Cystophora cristata) and the Harbor Seal (Phoca vitulina).“
Anat Rec (Hoboken). 2016 Mar;299(3):370-8. doi: 10.1002/ar.23298, PubMed 26643122

Schlegel V, Thieme M, Holzmann C, Witt M, Grittner U, Rolfs A, Wree A.:
"Pharmacologic Treatment Assigned for Niemann Pick Type C1 Disease Partly Changes Behavioral Traits in Wild-Type Mice."
Int J Mol Sci. 2016 Nov 9;17(11). pii: E1866., PubMed 27834854

Schulze M., Wree, A.:
„Atemwegsanatomie - Die notfallmedizinisch relevanten Strukturen.“
Notfall Rettungsmed (7/2016) 19: 601. doi:10.1007/s10049-016-0218-x

Seidel R, Zukowski K, Wree A, Schulze M:
”Ultrasound-guided intermediate cervical plexus block and perivascular local anesthetic infiltration for carotid endarterectomy : A randomized controlled trial.“
Anaesthesist. 2016 Oct 14. [Epub ahead of print], PubMed 27742968

Hiemer B, Genz B, Jonitz-Heincke A, Pasold J, Wree A, Dommerich S, Bader R:
”Devitalisation of human cartilage by high hydrostatic pressure treatment: Subsequent cultivation of chondrocytes and mesenchymal stem cells on the devitalised tissue.”
Sci Rep. 2016 Sep 27;6:33747. doi: 10.1038/srep33747, PubMed 27671122

Machado V, Haas SJ, von Bohlen Und Halbach O, Wree A, Krieglstein K, Unsicker K, Spittau B:
"Growth/differentiation factor-15 deficiency compromises dopaminergic neuron survival and microglial response in the 6-hydroxydopamine mouse model of Parkinson's disease."
Neurobiol Dis. 2016 Apr;88:1-15. doi: 10.1016/j.nbd.2015.12.016 PubMed 26733415

Claassen H, Schmitt O, Wree A, Schulze M:
"Variations in brachial plexus with respect to concomitant accompanying aberrant arm arteries.”
Ann Anat. 2016 Aug 6;208:40-48, PubMed 27507152

Kowtharapu BS, Marfurt C, Hovakimyan M, Will F, Richter H, Wree A, Stachs O, Guthoff RF.
“Femtosecond laser cutting of human corneas for the subbasal nerve plexus evaluation.”
J Microsc. 2016 Aug 19, PubMed 27541992

Langner I, Stahnke T, Stachs O, Lindner T, Kühn JP, Kim S, Wree A, Langner S.
MR microscopy of the human fetal upper extremity - a proof-of-principle study.
BMC Dev Biol. 2016 Jun 18;16(1):21. doi: 10.1186/s12861-016-0123-z. PubMed 27316469

Haas SJ, Zhou X, Machado V, Wree A, Krieglstein K, Spittau B.
Expression of Tgfβ1 and Inflammatory Markers in the 6-hydroxydopamine Mouse Model of Parkinson's Disease.
Front Mol Neurosci. 2016 Feb 3;9:7. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2016.00007. eCollection 2016. PubMed 26869879

Zeineh MM, Palomero-Gallagher N, Axer M, Gräβel D, Goubran M, Wree A, Woods R, Amunts K, Zilles K.
Direct Visualization and Mapping of the Spatial Course of Fiber Tracts at Microscopic Resolution in the Human
Hippocampus.Cereb Cortex. 2016 Feb 13. pii: bhw010. PubMed 26874183


Witt M, Reutter K:
Anatomy of the Tongue and Taste Buds. In: Handbook of Olfaction and Gustation.
John Wiley & Sons, Inc; 2015: 637-664. ISBN: 9781118139226

Neubert J, Bräuer AU.
"Superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles: promote neuronal regenerative capacity?"
Neural Regen Res. 2015 Oct;10(10):1568-9. doi: 10.4103/1673-5374.165306, PubMed 26692842

Mehlan J, Brosig H, Schmitt O, Mix E, Wree A, Hawlitschka A.
Intrastriatal injection of botulinum neurotoxin-A is not cytotoxic in rat brain - A histological and stereological analysis.
Brain Res. 2015 Nov 10. pii: S0006-8993(15)00844-6. doi: 10.1016/j.brainres.2015.10.056. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 26562665

Wille M, Schümann A, Wree A, Kreutzer M, Glocker MO, Mutzbauer G, Schmitt O.
The Proteome Profiles of the Cerebellum of Juvenile, Adult and Aged Rats-An Ontogenetic Study.
Int J Mol Sci. 2015 Sep 7;16(9):21454-85. doi: 10.3390/ijms160921454. PubMed 26370973

Wille M, Schümann A, Kreutzer M, Glocker MO, Wree A, Mutzbauer G, Schmitt O.
The proteome profiles of the olfactory bulb of juvenile, adult and aged rats - an ontogenetic study.
Proteome Sci. 2015 Feb 15;13:8. doi: 10.1186/s12953-014-0058-x. eCollection 2015. PubMed 25709559

E. Mick , H. Steinke , T. Wolfskämpf, J. Wieding, N. Hammer, M. Schulze, R. Souffrant, R. Bader.
Influence of short-term fixation with mixed formalin or ethanol solution on the mechanical properties of human cortical bone.
Current Directions in Biomedical Engineering. Band 1, Heft 1, Seiten 335–339, ISSN (Online) 2364-5504, September 2015, DOI: 10.1515/cdbme-2015-0083

Klar M, Fenske P, Vega FR, Dame C, Bräuer AU.
Transcription factor Yin-Yang 2 alters neuronal outgrowth in vitro.
Cell Tissue Res. 2015 Sep 9 [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 26350623

Maass F, Petersen J, Hovakimyan M, Schmitt O, Witt M, Hawlitschka A, Lukas J, Rolfs A, Wree A.
Reduced cerebellar neurodegeneration after combined therapy with cyclodextrin/allopregnanolone and miglustat in NPC1 mutant mouse model.
J Neurosci Res 93: 433-442 2015 Mar;93(3):433-42 PubMed 25400034

Pohland M.*, Glumm R.*, Stoenica L., Höltje M., Kiwit J., Ahnert-Hilger G., Strauss U., Bräuer AU., Paul F., Glumm J.
Studying axonal outgrowth and regeneration of the corticospinal tract in organotypic slice cultures.
J Neurotrauma 2015 Jul 14 PubMed 25923828

Neubert J., Wagner S., Kiwit J., Bräuer AU.*, Glumm J.
Effects of different superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles on murine primary brain cells.
International Journal of Nanomedicine, 2015, 10, 2033-2049 PubMed 25792834

Seidel R, Schulze M, Zukowski K, Wree A
Ultrasound-guided intermediate cervical plexus block : Anatomical study.
Anaesthesist. 2015 May 27, PubMed 26013020

Wieding J, Mick E, Wree A, Bader R.
Influence of three different preservative techniques on the mechanical properties of the ovine cortical bone.
Acta Bioeng Biomech. 2015,17(1):137-46. PubMed 25952021

Lehmann R, Gallert C, Roddelkopf T, Junginger S, Wree A, Thurow K.
3 dimensional cell cultures: a comparison between manually and automatically produced alginate beads.
Cytotechnology. 2015, Apr 5. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 25842191

Voss K, Falke K, Grabow N, Bernsdorf A, Kastner C, Sternberg K, Minrath I, Eickner T, Wree A, Schmitz KP, Guthoff R, Witt M, Hovakimyan M.
Development of a novel injectable drug delivery system for subconjunctival glaucoma Treatment.
J Control Release. 2015 Jul 6. pii: S0168-3659(15)30008-0. PubMed 26160303

Hovakimyan M, Siewert S, Schmidt W, Sternberg K, Reske T, Stachs O, Guthoff R, Wree A, Witt M, Schmitz KP, Allemann R.
Development of an experimental drug eluting suprachoroidal microstent as glaucoma drainage device. 
Transl Vis Sci Technol. 2015 Jun 30;4(3):14. PubMed 26175960

Reetz J, Hildebrandt S, Schmidt A, Meier C, Herchenröder O, Gläser A, Witt M, Pützer BM, Wree A.
Novel subventricular zone early progenitor cell specific adenovirus for in vivo therapy of central nervous system disorders reinforces brain stem cell heterogeneity.
Brain Structure & Function 2015 Mar 12. PubMed 25761931

Erdsack N, Dehnhardt G, Witt M, Wree A, Siebert S, Hanke W.
Unique fur and skin structure in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina)—thermal insulation, drag reduction, or both?
J. R. Soc. Interface 12: 20141206. PubMed 25652462

Wree A., Schmitt O.
Basal Ganglia.
In: Arthur W. Toga AW (Ed) Brain mapping: an encyclopedic reference. Elsevier, 2015, pp. 217-227.


Kowtharapu BS, Stahnke T, Wree A, Guthoff RF, Stachs O.
Corneal epithelial and neuronal interactions: role in wound healing.
Exp Eye Res. 2014 Aug;125:53-61. doi: 10.1016/j.exer.2014.05.006. Epub 2014 May 28, PubMed 24880142

Yan X, Ma L, Hovakimyan M, Lukas J, Wree A, Frank M, Guthoff R, Rolfs A, Witt M, Luo J.
Defects in the retina of Niemann-pick type C 1 mutant mice.
BMC Neurosci. 2014, 15(1):126 PubMed 25472750

Schmitt O, Eipert P, Kettlitz R, Leßmann F, Wree A.
The connectome of the basal ganglia.
Brain Struct Funct. 2014, Nov 29. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed 25432770

Prall F, Schmitt O, Schiffmann L.
Tumor regression in rectal cancer after intensified neoadjuvant chemoradiation: a morphometric and clinicopathological study.
World Journal of Surgical Oncology 2015 Apr 21;13:155 PubMed 25896880

Weiss B, Haas S, Lessner G, Mikkat S, Kreutzer M, Glocker MO, Wree A, Schmitt O.
The proteome of the differentiating mesencephalic progenitor cell-line CSM14.1 in vitro.
BioMed Res Int 2014: 1-13. PubMed 24592386

Freiherr J, Wiesmann M, Witt M.
"Functional Anatomy of the Olfactory System II: Central relays, pathways, and their function." In: Management of Smell and Taste Disorders. A Practical Guide for Clinicians
(eds. Welge-Lüssen A, Hummel T.), Chapter 3, pp. 27-38, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York 2014, ISBN: 978-3-13-154521-3

Witt M, Meredith M.
"The Human Vomeronasal System." In: Management of Smell and Taste Disorders. A Practical Guide for Clinicians
(eds. Welge-Lüssen A, Hummel T.), chapter 4, pp.39-48, Thieme, Stuttgart, New York 2014, ISBN: 978-3-13-154521-3

Yan X, Lukas J, Lin J, Ernst M, Koczan D, Witt M, Fuellen G, Wree A, Rolfs A, Luo J:
"Aberrant expression of delta protocadherins in the brain of NPC1 mutant mice."
Histol Histopathol. 2014 Sep;29(9):1185-99., PubMed 24671883

Hovakimyan M, Falke K, Stahnke T, Guthoff R, Witt M, Wree A, Stachs O.:
"Morphological Analysis of Quiescent and Activated Keratocytes: A Review of Ex Vivo and In Vivo Findings."
Current Eye Research, Early Online, 1–16, 2014, DOI: 10.3109/02713683.2014.902073, PubMed 24749788

Yan X, Yang F, Lukas, J, Witt M, Wree A, Rolfs A, Luo J:
"Hyperactive Glial Cells Contribute to Axonal Pathologies in the Spinal Cord of Npc1 Mutant Mice."
Glia. 2014 Jul;62(7):1024-40., PubMed 24644136

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